Monday, December 17, 2007

Rob From Glen Burnie

“I finished my shift before I went to emergency room.”

I was talking to a guy named Rob in my cardiac rehab class. He looked to be in his mid thirties. He’s a big guy. He had only recently joined the class.

“I can’t wait to get rid of this thing.”

Rob has a walker to help him get around. He says that after surgery he didn’t trust that his legs would hold him up. Rob had open heart surgery. He had five major blockages in his arteries.

“I have the road map of Florida to Maine on my chest.”

I bet. What struck me about Rob’s story is that, once again, here is a guy who was having a heart attack but thought he just shrug it off. He finished his shift for crying out loud! That is so typical of a guy.

“They flew me in a helicopter to Hopkins.”

Rob got the helicopter ride!

“It was pretty scary.”


Rob just had a major heart attack and is on deaths door and he is scared of a helicopter ride. Go figure.

I told Rob that I got a ride in the back of the truck. I also told him to hang in there. The nurses in the cardiac rehab program will have him off that walker in no time.

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