Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Bad Message

I was driving to my office holiday party last night when an ad came on the radio for St. Joseph’s Medical Center in Baltimore. The ad, which was playing on the all Christmas music station WLIF, began with a recap of the warning signs of a heart attack. That part was good. Then the ad went on to extol the expertise of the hospital in dealing with heart attacks and went so far as to suggest that if you are having a heart attack you should make your way to St. Joseph’s Medical Center…wherever you are.

Considering that the listening area of this particular radio station covers a pretty broad geographic area, that would seem to suggest that someone suffering from a heart attack should bypass all of the other metropolitan area hospitals, including Johns Hopkins, and drive directly to St. Joseph’s.

Now this is a non clinical blog about heart disease so I won’t attempt to provide any medical advice but, everything I’ve read and been told about a heart attack is the time matters. If you were to follow the advice of this advertisement and end up driving over an hour to get to St. Joseph’s as opposed to a closer hospital wouldn’t you be putting yourself in jeopardy?

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